School management software

School management system is one kind of software where the administrator can easily handle every official work through this software. For example they can handle individual Student’s details by individual classes also can handle Students attendants, Students transport system, Results generate, individual teacher details, Teacher attendance, Teacher fees, Employee details, School balance sheet (monthly and yearly wise), Library system, courses, etc all integrated into a single database accessible anytime, anywhere via the web. Administrator accesses it by personal Id and password from Administrator panel.

School Management System is a large database system which can be used for managing your school’s day to day business. SMS allows users to store almost all of their school’s information electronically, including information on students, employees, properties, teaching meteorites etc. Most importantly, this information can be easily shared with authorized users, records can be easily searched, and reports can be easily generated. Version 3.0 has added new functionalities and new features.

List of modules of School Management Software

Sign In

Our school software is fully protected and can be accessed by valid username & password. School authority & Sub Admin can log in into this software.


After logged In into system dashboard page will appear from where you can get access or link of each page like student admission, student search, identity card generate, admin card generate, employees/teacher, library, exam grading level, examination, extra activities, set of marks, marks entry, report card generated, student fees collection, salary generate, balance sheet, batch transfer, settings etc.

In the dashboard can see a total number of students, staff, books in the library. Also, some short quick links are there to access all pages in the dashboard. We make it user-friendly to access all modules from the dashboard page.

Student Admission

The new student can entry under Admission module. Based on the current session, class and section new student can take admission. Roll number will be automatically generated based on the class & section. Each student will get Admission number after taking admission & admission number is unique.

Identity card

Identity card and Admit card can be generated for each student.

Search students

This part is very important and useful. Because administrator can search any student by student’s admission no. Even anybody can find out pass out students information also. If they would lose their admission no. then administrator can search by student’s session, class, and section wise.


There are available all options what information generally has needed for a teacher details information like Role, Slab, Employee id, Name, Phone no, Address, Qualification, Joining date, photos etc. The administrator just put student’s information according to available options.


Manage book, Issue book, Return book, and Book renewal all options are available in here. Librarian can easily handle their library.

Exam Report

The administrator can generate an exam report from here by choosing session, class, section, student name and exam name after that the report will be generated automatically.

Student Admission

The new student can entry under Admission module. Based on the current session, class and section new student can take admission. Roll number will be automatically generated based on the class & section. Each student will get Admission number after taking admission & admission number is unique.