Software Solutions

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Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) is a usual collection of business management software mainly groups of integrated applications that an organization can use to record, store, Analyze and interpret data from many business activities.

Through the ERP System, you can manage internal and external resources, including tangible assets, financial resources, materials, and human resources.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

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Sales & Revenue Data Management

Sales Management provides tremendous versatility, control, and power over sales and orders entry policies with Managing Customer, Prospect, And Sales Person Information. In-depth insight through multiple sales report.

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DevOps, Deployment, Data Management

The inventory Module provides a powerful and flexible set of features to help you manage and report your inventory information. These features are designed to accommodate the inventory management information needs of your business.

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ChatBot,Voice Based,Robotics

From Procurement to quoting, from ordering to receipt and invoicing, our Purchase Module helps you through all. Be it your Contract Management, Vendor Management, rate sealing with Vendor, inspecting material received or returns.

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Payroll,Salary and Recruiting

Online Employee Management, Attendance Management, Payroll Management are also with this HRM Software. We provide you the best software solution over worldwide with full satisfaction.

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Process Automation,Enterprises Apps

Organizations produce piles of documents, images, and other information digitally. The location of this information is a time-consuming task. Users tend to file papers and to save documents in folders on their own computers.

Orders, Demand and Reports

Today’s enterprise world face increasingly complex job order processes with orders consisting of component parts, customized configuration, sizing specifications and frequent customer requirement changes. Production Module that virtually consolidates batch information, increasing efficiency and reducing gap between software and actual operations.

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Accounts,Ledger and Expenses logs

Whole inflow & outflow of capital is managed by the finance module. This module keeps track of all account-related transactions like expenditures, Balance sheet, account ledgers, budgeting, bank statements, payment receipts, tax management etc. Financial reporting is an easy task for this module of ERP.

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Quality Assurance and Monitoring

Quality Management has a complete quality control module that will make sure your business adheres to all prescribed quality standards. You can create quality standards based on various parameters and criteria. Quality control can be done for Goods Receipt, Finished Goods Stock as well as on the on processes.

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Biometric Attendance,leaves and logs

Attendance Management maintains a database having information like details of the staff such as name, Id, photograph, position, contact details, etc. Staffs instead of marking in the attendance book, they can simply use this module. This is a part of Payroll software as well.

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Contact Management, Automate calculation

Broker Management Module is to manage broker sales through Employees as well as Dealers. All the details of Broker & managing the Commission Plans and to provide multiple options for managing payments for Broker as per their commission plan allotted.

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